Club Coaching

We'll help you improve your game

Whilst it is possible to play pétanque at club level with little or no instruction, learning some proper techniques can really help to improve your game. With the help of Peter Dawson, our club coach, we'll support and guide you, and offer some helpful tips along the way to help you develop your game.

Coaching is critical to the way that we develop and improve our players. We have a coaching structure at club, regional and national level to support all levels of players, so no matter how inexperienced or experienced you are in the sport, there is always an opportunity to learn.

Technique, tactics and mental approach can all be coached and the PE network of coaches is on hand to help.

Don’t be shy in asking for coaching input, that’s what our coaches are here for!

Peter Dawson

Club Coach

Getting started

Standing with both feet in the circle, the target jack is thrown out to a distance of between 6 to 10 meters. It's then the turn of the first player from Team A to throw their first boule, trying to get it close to the jack. Next, a player from Team B tries to get their boule closer to the jack than the opposing team either by throwing their boule so it ends up closer; or by knocking into the opposing team’s boule and moving it away. The game continues until all boules from both teams have been thrown and points are awarded. Simple really ......

Throwing Techniques

Standing Position

Standing position – Both feet must remain on the ground & inside the circle until the ball thrown hits the ground.

Throwing from a squatting position

The combination of length and speed of the arm swing controls distance and speed of the ball. A high back position of the hand, makes throwing easier and requires less strength.

Throwing from a standing position

The combination of length and speed of the arm swing controls distance and speed of the ball. A high back position of the hand, makes throwing easier and requires less strength.

Pétanque Terminology

Pétanque - Derives from "pieds tanqué" - “feet tied together”.

Terrain - The whole playing area.

Piste - Marked lanes on the Terrain.

Competition Boule - Ball marked weight, maker & serial no.

Striations - Grooves cut in the Boules to improve grip.

Leisure/Dog Boule - Unmarked ball - unsuitable for official Competition.

Cochonnet - Jack

Pointer - Player skilled in placing Boule close to the Jack. Usually plays first, ideally from the squatting position.

Shooter - Player skilled in hitting & removing opponents Boules.

Milieu - Player skilled in Pointing and Shooting. An all-rounder.

Carreau - Hitting opponents Boule directly, replacing it exactly.

Arbitre - Umpire.

Fanny - A game lost or won 13 – 0pts.

Singles - Two individual players, each with 3 boules.

Doubles - Two teams of two players, with 3 boules per player.

Triples - Two teams of three players, with 2 boules per player.